Conducted By:Events Bangalore
Quick Points to note:
  • Venue details: Address1:Sporthood Aratt Big Game - Begur, Bengaluru
  • Tournament Start:Sat, October 14th by 10:00 am
  • Tournament End:Sat, October 14th by 03:00 pm
  • Registration End:Fri, October 13 by 11:55 pm

Category and Cut Off Dates:
Categories Cut Off Dates
Game rules:
  • Shuttles Used:Plastic/nylon
    Shuttle Company:KAWASAKI
  • Umpire decision will be Final
  • Certificate for all Participants
  • All the Players should report 15 minutes prior reporting time
Other details:
LEAGUE+ KNOCKOUT MINIMUM 3 MATCHES FOR ALL THE PLAYERS Location - SPORTSHOOD ARATT BIG GAME Entry fee Singles 300 Doubles 500 KIT BAG +TROPHIES AND GOODIES ALL WINNERS AND RUNNERS MEDALS FOR SEMI-FINALIST CATEGORY MENS SINGLES MENS DOUBLES WOMEN'S SINGLES MIXED DOUBLES Rules and regulations 1 Kawasaki Nylon shuttle will be used 2 Events Bangalore and our partners are not responsible for any player injuries or health issues during the event 3 Players need to take care of their belongings and Events Bangalore is not responsible for any loss of baggage during the event 4 Match officials have the final say on all decisions on the court. Any argument with match officials will result in a 5-point penalty and repeated offences will result in match forfeit and termination from the event. No line umpires will be provided 5 We promote a plastic free, litter free environment and players need to adhere to the norms and guidelines of venue partner. 6 Event dates can be changed and will be communicated to players accordingly. No refunds will be provided for event postponement 7 No refunds in case of event cancellation due to Force Majeure 10. round robin matches will be played for 21 points 1 set 10 ON SPOT Registration 400/600 Contact details - 8147055892 What's app group https://chat.whatsapp.com/IH1dBW9R6kvDmq3qPC6Eie Instagram page https://instagram.com/eventsbangalore.co.in?igshid=NzZlODBkYWE4Ng
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